Mar 23, 2012



SUGAR caramelizes at temperatures over 350°F, so it’s important to
be very careful when you’re making this ice cream. Warming the milk before
you add it to the burnt sugar helps control any splattering.

2 cups plus
1½ tablespoons milk
1½ cups sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
¼ teaspoon salt
3 large egg yolks
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place 2 cups of the milk in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer over
low heat. Cover and keep warm while caramelizing the sugar.

Place the sugar in a large, heavy saucepan with high sides over medium
heat. Stir with a whisk or wooden spoon until the sugar dissolves. Continue
to cook without stirring until the sugar turns golden brown. Immediately
remove the pot from the heat. Very carefully and slowly add the warmed
milk, stirring constantly. The mixture will rise, foam, and splatter. The
sugar may also harden into a lump on the bottom of the pan. Return the
pan to low heat and stir until the caramel has dissolved into the milk. Keep
warm over very low heat.

In a small mixing bowl, mix the cornstarch and salt with the remaining 1½
tablespoons of milk. Stir until smooth, then beat into the egg yolks in a
medium bowl. Slowly beat the hot milk and sugar into the egg yolk mixture.
Pour the entire mixture back into the pan and place over low heat. Stir
constantly with a whisk or wooden spoon until the custard thickens slightly.
Be careful not to let the mixture boil or the eggs will scramble. Remove
from the heat and pour the hot burnt sugar custard through a strainer into
a large, clean bowl. Allow the custard to cool slightly, then stir in the cream
and vanilla. Cover and refrigerate until cold or overnight.

Stir the chilled custard, then freeze in 1 or 2 batches in your ice cream machine
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When finished, the ice
cream will be soft but ready to eat. For firmer ice cream, transfer to a
freezer-safe container and freeze at least 2 hours.


BURNT SUGAR PIE ICE CREAM Add ½ cup crumbled graham crackers
and ½ cup mini-marshmallows to the machine when the ice cream is
semifrozen. Allow the machine to mix in the additional ingredients. Proceed
with the recipe as directed.

COCONUT CRÈME BRÛLÉE ICE CREAM Add ½ cup toasted sweetened
coconut (see page xvi) to the machine when the ice cream is semifrozen.
Allow the machine to mix in the coconut. Proceed with the recipe as directed.

CRÈME ANGLAISE ICE CREAM Increase the vanilla to 3 tablespoons.
Proceed with the recipe as directed.

ORANGE CRÈME BRÛLÉE ICE CREAM Add 2 teaspoons grated orange
zest and 2 tablespoons orange liqueur (optional) along with the vanilla.
Proceed with the recipe as directed.

RASPBERRY CRÈME BRÛLÉE ICE CREAM Mix 2 tablespoons water into
½ cup raspberry jam to help loosen it up. Gently swirl the jam into the finished
ice cream. Be careful not to overswirl or the jam will “melt” into the
ice cream. Streaks of jam should be visible. Serve immediately or freeze
until firm.

and ¼ cup chopped toasted walnuts (see page xvi) before freezing. Proceed
with the recipe as directed.

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